3D Home Architect Designer Suite Deluxe 8 comes with a healthy set of features and a bonus CD with 1,500 separate home plans. The program also boasts some handy tools, like the Automatic Roof Creation Tool; once you have your walls in place, this instantly places a roof on your house with a click of a button. The program offers four default roof choices, including: hip, mansard, curved or double slope—most of which you can further customize.
Ease of Use:
We found 3D Home Architect Designer Suite Deluxe 8 well-designed and easy-to-navigate. For example, when you click a tool icon, the choices relating to that tool are displayed down the right-hand side of your screen. You can also change toolbar settings easily for better customization.
However, we found scaling frustrating—the smallest scale you can set your design at and you can't scroll your work area up and down or side to side. This makes it difficult to navigate when designing larger, custom houses as you can run out of space easily.
Ease of Installation:
3D Home Architect Designer Suite Deluxe 8 was easy to install.
Broderbund provides support for 3D Home Architect Designer Suite Deluxe 8 with video tutorials and a built-in help section that is well-written and informative.
With 3D Home Architect Designer Suite Deluxe 8 you receive a lot of features for a small price tag, but you also get limitations. With a few alterations and more features, Broderbund would have a first-rate home design product.
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