Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Networking: IP Monitor 0.04

IP Monitor is a program designed to check your public IP for changes and notify you in several ways such as playing a sound file, sending an email, displaying a visual notification (if supported by platform) or executing a command.  Under Windows, IP Monitor can be run as a service and under Linux it can be run as daemon.

It also doesn’t mess with the Windows Registry nor System folders, which makes it totally portable.

You can download IP Monitor (and the source code) absolutely for free from the Download section or you can visit the IP Monitor SourceForge project and download it from there.


  • Automatically checks your public IP address for changes
  • Provides several ways of notifying IP address changes such as playing a sound, sending an email, displaying a popup or executing a command
  • Can be run as a Windows service or a Linux daemon
  • Provides logging support
  • LookAndFeel support
  • Portable application
  • Multiplatform
  • Open source
  • Free

Requirements: JRE 1.6 or later

Get IP Monitor 0.04 [>>]

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