With Personal Video Database you can catalog your movie collection fast and easy. Thought-out user interface and different database management function make it easy to create and manage big movie databases. Powerful filtering, grouping and sorting help you find movies very fast.
The program is expandable with plugins. There are already plenty of plugins included with the installation that can help you retrieve movie information from different internet movie databases or other database formats.
Other important features of Personal Video Database include Loan management, full Unicode support and many more.
- Database: Client-Server Support
- Database: Replace folders in file paths when playing
- Database: Access Rights
- Database: Password protect
- Command line parameters: -readonly, -noconfig, -addmovie=”title”, -addfile=”video_file_path”, -selectmovie=”title”, -selectperson=”name”
- File Scanner: RegExp support and additional functionality
- File Scanner: Customizable file extensions for all video file operations
- Movies: Automatic screenshots (configure in Preferences)
- Movies: Using ffmpeg for taking screenshots
- Movies: Use first screenshot as poster option
- Movies: Organize files by episodes (move multiple files from root record to separate episode records)
- Movies: Video file information (now get information for multiple selected movies)
- Movies: Date added and Date modified fields support time
- Movies: Color tags for hyperlinks in memo fields
- Custom fields: Additional types, sorting, grouping, filtering (advanced search)
- New fields: Budget, box office, release date, aspect ratio, original language, multiple audio streams, date added (people)
- New fields: Last modified (movies and persons)
- Import: New plugin system – work progress UI; downloading multiple posters, movies or persons at once
- Import: IMDb plugin option: download only one plot summary
- Import: The TVDb plugin
- Import: Download all found posters option
- Import: A possibility for scripts to process download exceptions
- Import: A possibility to define both titles/names when adding awards using scripts
- Import: ConvertEncoding function for constants saved in ANSI
- Export: Fields now accessed by name
- Export: Replace options added – replacecase and replace
- Export: Customizable naming format for exported images
- Export: Export near video files
- General: Movie Twitter
- General: PVD Tray Icon
- General: Automatic updates
- Tools: Search-list-as-you-type (for movies/people)
- Tools: Advanced search filters for Awards
- Tools: Find movies removed from HDD
- Tools: Reindex movies
- Tools: Apply web search to all selected items
- Appearance: Customizable Toolbar, Hotkeys and List font
- Appearance: Customize behaviour of links (Preferences – Miscellaneous)
- Appearance: Collapsed/Expanded state of fields now restored after program restart
- Skins: Customizable colors, fonts, sizes and positions for all fields
- Skins: Transparency for posters
- Skins: Separator tags
- Skins: Collapsed lines to show
- Hotkey: Remove all posters/photos/screenshots/covers
- Hotkey: Expand/Collapse all fields
- Internet connection: Download thread timeout (advanced setting)
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