With Speed Dial, you can easily access your most used websites. To show the Speed Dial tab, use the Speed Dial button (which can be added to the toolbar), or enter “chrome://speeddial/content” in your location bar.
To assign one website to Speed Dial, use the new “Set as Speed Dial” option in the bookmarks menu, or right click on the tab you want to add, and choose “Set as Speed Dial”. That option is also available in the contextual area menu.
To assign one website to Speed Dial, use the new “Set as Speed Dial” option in the bookmarks menu, or right click on the tab you want to add, and choose “Set as Speed Dial”. That option is also available in the contextual area menu.
Speed Dial will be automatically loaded in blank new windows. It can also load in blank new tabs. To configure this, and other options, use the extension settings panel.
- Speed Dial will open in a tab, showing the currently assigned websites as thumbnails.
- The Speed Dial tab can be loaded automatically in new tabs and windows.
- The assigned websites can be loaded automatically by pressing the Control key and it’s assigned number.
- Drag & drop reordering.
- Add dialog when clicking an unassigned entry.
- Automatic refresh of thumbnails by using a background browser (with configurable interval per thumbnail).
- Toolbar buttons to access Speed Dial’s functionality (including a drop down of the assigned websites).
- Multiple addresses can be assigned to a single dial, similar to the way the home page is handled (separating them with the “|” character).
- Weather status, which can locate your position automatically based on your IP (courtesy of GeoBytes). Clicking on that dial will provide the full weather forecast.
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