Like so many of us, you must have experienced the frustration of trying to find an application in the Start menu. This happens because the Start menu is piled full of countless programs. Most likely you are using the desktop and Quick Launch bar to create shortcuts for quick program launch, so that you do not have to open the cluttered Start menu. If it is so, you have come to the right place.
We have designed a small utility called Handy Start Menu that enhances the standard menu and eliminates its inconveniences. The utility makes the menu so convenient that you will no longer have to create piles of shortcuts on the desktop, create complex panels in the Quick Launch bar and spend time browsing through the long list, trying to find an application that you have not placed on the desktop or Quick Launch bar.
The first thing you will see after the installation of Handy Start Menu is a short menu with a list of programs which are grouped by categories (utilities, office programs, graphic editors, etc.). Our utility groups applications automatically. As a result, it is much easier to find a program in the list of 5-7 items than browse through the long list with dozens of items. Grouping can help you find and run applications much quicker than before.
To start applications from Handy Start Menu, you will only need to click on the folder with the name of a program, and our utility will automatically find the shortcut and run that application. You will no longer have to open all subfolders and look for a shortcut that starts an application. It also saves time considerably.
- Down with Long Lists! – The days of massive lists in the Start menu are gone. Now comes the time of short and handy lists of programs. Thanks to automatic grouping and reduction of useless items, the standard Start menu has become shorter and simpler.
- Quick Start – You can start applications much quicker. Just click on the folder with the name of an application, and our utility will run this software automatically.
- Clean Desktop – You will no longer have to create piles of shortcuts on the desktop to run applications. Access to all programs from the Start menu is so easy and convenient that you will need the desktop only for beautiful wallpapers.
- Handy Menu in a Snap – The Handy Start Menu program only applies a more convenient way of representing the content of the Start menu, rather than modifying files and folders physically. At any time, you can easily restore the standard look of the Start menu by disabling the Handy Start Menu functionality.
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