Digital Signatures for PDF Documents
- Digital signatures using standard X.509 certificates – DigiSigner uses standard X.509 certificates to sign your PDF documents.
- Signature verification – DigiSigner can verify digital signatures to determine if the document was subsequently changed or damaged.
- Adobe Reader interoperability – Signatures produced with DigiSigner can be verified using standard Adobe Reader tool and vice versa.
- Completely secure – Your documents stay all the time on your computer, whether you use online or desktop DigiSigner version.
- Support for smartcards and PFX/PKCS#12 key stores – DigiSigner supports smartcards and USB tokens (a.k.a. PKCS#11) and standard PFX (a.k.a PKCS#12) key stores.
- Support for MS Windows standard key store – DigiSigner lets you use the certificates that you imported into your Windows key store, including those on smart cards.
- Powered by Java Technology – DigiSigner is implemented with Java technology and therefore runs everywhere Java runs. DigiSigner requires at least Java 1.6 to be installed on your computer. Windows installer checks it for you and automatically installs the newest Java version if it is required.
Get DigiSigner 1.2 [>>]