Thursday, March 24, 2011

Network Information: WinTrace 1.3.3595

Traceroute program; useful to view the routing information of a Web site (informations displayed: IP address, response time, hostname and country). Enter a Web address or a valid host name, e.g. or, or a valid IP address, e.g. The button “Options…” opens the WinTrace options: timeout, host name list, ip-to-country file. Sort and Replace utilities will allow you to edit and save host name list, countries list or any text file.

This version adds a Resolve IP Addresses option and updates the database “IP-To-Country”.

This program works with all version of Windows. If your system is Windows XP or older, it requires the Microsoft .NET Framework version 2.0 or higher.

Get WinTrace 1.3.3595 [>>]

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