Sunday, July 18, 2010

Database Tools: Database Command Executor 2.0

This is a simple utility that can perform SQL commands in your databases. You can execute an insert, update or delete commands as well as select statements. Utility returns the number of processed records and you can also save the results to the specified XML, CSV or TXT file.

It is possible to immediately transform the resulting XML file by the selected XSL stylesheet template, so you can export the result to as many text based formats as you want.

The sql statement may include parameters and the user can enter the parameter values in a simple editable grid. Statement is run as many times as rows in the grid, the user defines.

If you run the utility without command-line parameters, the full GUI is displayed, so you can specify and save the parameters, that you can use later by a command-line execution.

Database Command Executor uses the dbExpress technology for database connection. MySQL, Interbase, Firebird and BlackfishSQL databases are supported by default, as well as the common connection via the ODBC drivers. You can extend the list of supported databases by any dbExpress v4 driver (ie. Oracle, MSSQL, Sybase, etc.).

Get Database Command Executor 2.0 [>>]

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